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Acupuncture for bunnies

Titi is an adorable, energetic, hilarious 7 years old dwarf bunny. In the summer of 2017, he tested positive for E. Cuniculi (a parasite) at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vétérinaire (CHUV); Faculty of veterinary medicine in St-Hyacinthe, Quebec.

Titi's E.Cuniculi symptoms manifested as follows:

- Pododermitis (also referred to as sore hocks is a condition where the hind feet near the elbow area or hock of the rabbit begin to show signs of infection)

- Incontinence

- Loss of balance

- Discomfort hoping around cleaning his ears

Thank goodness his appetite was never affected because not eating is very dangerous for bunnies as their digestive system need to continuously operate to remain healthy. However, I could tell that his energy level was down from the once bombastic Titi aka "Tish McGish". So, the Exotic Animals Faculty at the CHUV recommended to start a 30 days treatment of Panacur administered orally by squeezing the paste from the syringe into the side of his mouth. The results were good as it helped with the incontinence and overall discomfort and his energy was back. However, it lasted for a couple of months and the pododermitis only got worse.

After that, I embarked on a journey to treat his pododermitis with bandages on his hind feet that had to be changed every week. Not ideal! This caused severe stress to Titi and to yours truly and it was difficult finding someone to hold Titi while doing the many steps.

That is when the head exotic vet mentioned acupuncture. It was now time for a new quest! Finding a vet who not only practiced acupuncture, but was also bunny savvy. This was not easy as pet acupuncture is a niche and mostly focused on horses, cats, and dogs. But I found her!

Immediately Titi responded well to his new doc and the treatment. He was extremely receptive to having someone new touching him and his delicate legs (not usually the case!) in a brand new way. She was so gentle with him and took time to connect with her cute new patient and his mom who was looking at the whole experience with a mixture of amazement and trepidation.

As soon as she started placing the tiny needle on the top of his head, it was almost like he knew it was going to help him feel better. He did not move and he was in a trance-like state of total bliss and peace. It was beautiful to witness! The vet explained that there is no such thing as the placebo effect in animals and that acupuncture on animals is almost as old as on humans and even more effective.

After the first treatment, I saw positive changes in Titi. He was more comfortable and it also helped with his incontinence. He even had better hygiene with his ears. The CHUV found another creative. solution for his pododermitis which I will get into detail in another blog.

We did about four treatments and waited 2-3 weeks in between to let Titi's body heal naturally. Each time, Titi remembered the experience and went into that safe place of pure peace.

Titi and I will continue with acupuncture once a month because I can tell without any hesitation that he likes it and it is helping us better manage this pesky parasite which is way too common in the bunny world.

I cannot recommend it more for you and your beloved pet(s) to complement any standard veterinary treatment.

Much love to you and your furry and feathered friends,



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