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Our accommodation fees are $30/day and packages available for longer stays


Very important to describe the rabbit's diet and especially the vegetables he usually eats and to take the feed with him if he eats them regularly.


As a precaution, we ask that your rabbit have an open file with a veterinarian with an annual visit dated less than a year ago.


Payable upon receipt of invoice before entering the refuge in order to reserve the enclosure


Bring his accessories (litter, games, blankets, etc.) so he will feel more familiar in a new place

Entrance and exit

Please respect the date and time of arrival and departure from the refuge




Take note that the shelter dedicates 1 enclosure for rabbit daycare. Revenues from babysitting fees will help us pay our operating costs.

bunny hotel

Qui est le gardien du lapin?
Le lapin est stérilisé?

Thanks! We will let you know as soon as possible 🐰🛎️

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